Learn the Keys to Successful Research Collaborations, Feb. 7

We invite you to attend this interactive event featuring two successful research groups sharing their collaboration stories. This “Keys to Successful Research Collaborations” event will occur on Monday, February 7, from noon to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.

It will feature presentations and Q&A with NSU faculty members Nancy Klimas, M.D., who established a multi-disciplinary research and clinical program that is taking a systems biology approach to understanding complex medical illnesses; and Gary Cravens, M.D., M.S., whose diverse research efforts led to collaboration with Louis Nemzer, Ph.D., B.A., and colleagues to evaluate seizure prediction in epilepsy patients.

Register to attend this *virtual* event at tinyurl.com/Collaboration-Success-2022. Questions? Contact GRANTLAB@nova.edu

Posted 01/18/22