NSU Mathematics Hosts Differential Equations Expert, Feb. 10

Qin Sheng, Ph.D.

The Halmos College of Arts and Sciences Department of Mathematics will host guest speaker Qin Sheng, Ph.D., as part of their Mathematics Colloquium Series.  Sheng will be discussing the role of splitting methods for solving differential equations.  The review will cover the historical roots and derivation of modern splitting methods, its use in solving a semi-linear Kawarada partial differential equation, and the concept of global error.

Sheng is a professor at the Baylor University Department of Mathematics.  He has been interested in splitting and adaptive numerical methods for solving linear and nonlinear partial differential equations and is also known for the Sheng-Suzuki theorem in numerical analysis.  A prolific researcher, Sheng has published more than 110 refereed journal articles as well as six joint research monographs and has been an Editor-in-Chief of the SCI journal, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, published by Taylor and Francis.

“From Derivation to Error Analysis of Splitting Methods – A Contemporary Review”, will take place on Thursday, Feb. 10 from 12:30 – 1:20 p.m. on Zoom.  The entire NSU community, including students at all levels of mathematics, is invited and encouraged to attend.

Posted 01/30/22