Biology Student Wins Congress Attendance Grant

This July, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate biology major Camryn Pajon won a Congress Attendance Grant for the joint American Society of Microbiology and the Federation for European Microbiological Society (FEMS) meeting in July. Her work, which examines how changes in spatial structure affect the ability of bacteria to coexist, is sponsored by the Army Research Office. Her ultimate goal is to understand how to disrupt interactions between coexisting bacteria so as to facilitate their treatment in the clinic.

Pajon works with HCAS faculty member Robert Smith, Ph.D. FEMS provides grants for European and non-European early career scientists to support their attendance at the World Microbe Forum. The American Society of Microbiology, with more than 30,000 members, including researchers, educators and health professionals, is one of the largest life science societies in the world.